Thursday, March 4, 2010

Outline of topics

Image: courtesy of Daniel Small

.  Gender
.  Peer-to-peer production
.  Role-play / conflict resolution / grounding the virtual in the local
.  Cities in 3D
.  New exhibition sites: siting cross-cultural art / art prototype and archive / critical landscapes
.  Narrative
.  Language
.  Collaboration

For details on those topics that are only outlined just email me.

Ryan Trecartin's I-BE AREA

Videos at

Check out "Craig-Ricky I-Be the Original I-Be2" whose sound translates well over the net. 'Ryan Trecartin’s videos uncannily reflect his generation, which was raised using the Internet, digital television, and interactive video games. He mixes cheap special effects with absurd narratives in which he and his cast of collaborator-friends act out a sort of Lord of the Flies for the 21st Century. He tells sad love stories and bizarre family dramas utilizing technology to heighten the action and reflect the information overload we all experience today. In his latest work I-BE AREA, 2007, Trecartin weaves together several unruly stories with fast-moving, fast-talking characters that deal with such themes as cloning, adoption, self-mediation, life-style options, virtual identities and larger questions of an existential nature.'

Wafaa Bilal at SFAI on 03.10.10


'Born in Iraq, Wafaa Bilal devises interactive Internet encounters in part to inform audiences around the world about conditions in his native land. In his installation Domestic Tension, he placed himself in front of a paintball gun wired to an interactive Internet platform through which people could shoot at him. His video-game piece Virtual Jihadi was shut down by Renssellaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, less than a day after it opened...' []